Types of Social Security Disability

The Difference Between SSI and SSDI

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

If you are disabled there are two different programs that you can possibly apply for through the Social Security Administration. One is Social Security Disability. Social Security Disability Benefits come from the FICA taxes that have been deducted from your pay checks for years you worked. It pays anywhere from a small amount to a maximum of approximately $2300 per month for and individual depending on how much you have earned and how much social security taxes have been deducted from your checks. It has no income or asset rules. You can have a million dollars in the bank and have a spouse who makes $10,000 per month. Your current financial status has no bearing on your claim.

Supplemental Security Income Benefits (SSI)

The second type of benefits is SSI or Supplemental Security Income Benefits. It is basically a welfare program for disabled people. It does not come from your payroll taxes. You are eligible to receive SSI if you have never worked a day or have worked very little. The maximum in many states is $674 per month. Being a welfare type program it does matter how much money or income you have. Assets above $3,000 for a couple and $2,000 for an individual will prevent you from getting SSI. If your earned income or unearned income is too high you cannot get SSI even if you are disabled. Beyond these basic asset and income rules the regulations are very complex.

It is important to know that you must prove the same level of disability to get either Social Security Disability(SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). However to get SSI, you must prove you are disabled, AND prove you do not have assets above the limit or monthly income above the limit.

You can apply for Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income at the same time. An SSI application is automatically an application for Disability, but a disability application is not automatically an application for SSI.

Disabled Children Can Receive Disability Benefits

A child can receive benefits. The standards are different and many think more difficult than for an adult applying for disability. School records showing how the child performs in school are very important in proving disability. A child younger than 18 years can receive SSI benefits if they meet the disability standards and the family does not have too much income. Once a child reaches 18 years of age, however, he/she can receive regular SSI benefits without worry that the family income is too high.. A "child" 18 or over is qualified under the adult disability standards.

If a child is legally adopted by a family he/she can receive benefits just like a biological child.

Elizabeth H Scherer, Attorney at Law, LLC has experience in handling successful social security disability claims. Contact our office for a free initial consultation and case evaluation.


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